Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"In your presence Lord, I am completly satisfied"

So, clearly I havn't written anything in a very long time... and since I'm home now I thought I'd let you all in on some reflection/review time I've been blessed with since getting home yesterday (YAY!).

Faith, Prayer, & God's Promises:
This was by far by favorite week for a variety of reasons:

1: Check out Jehosaphat! What an incredible man of the Lord, I was in shock at his complete trust in the Lord's faithfulness as he praised God for the victory before the battle was even faught.

During this week I came to a shocking and difficult relization: i didn't trust God. In fact, I believed that He was capable of lying, and had lied to me repeatedly. I was slightly terrified as I realized the implications of it all; if God had lied to me, then He was really no God at all. As I began questioning him, He told me "Heather, sometimes I havn't fulfilled my promises to you how you'd like me too, but that doesn't mean I havn't fulfilled them. In fact more than that, I have blessed you far beyond what you've asked for." Whew! What a relief that "God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?" Numbers 23:19. it's been so sweet to praise the Lord for what He will do in the upcoming days, months, and years.

2. Promises to claim; it was so fun to grab onto a few of the promises God has given us specifically Eph 3:20 (He is able to do greater things than we can imagine),

before this summer started in Jacksonville I had never heard about "claiming promises", it was something I had done every once in awhile... but not often and definatly not very intentionally. I'm STOKED to see how God fulfills his promises!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing your heart Heather :) can't wait to hear more details of how God worked this summer!
