Sunday, August 29, 2010

Alpha Xi Delta or Alpha Delta Pi?

The looming & impossibly hard question had to be answered. I sat staring down at “the sheet” I had to write my decision on after the final preference ceremony on Saturday, August 28th 2010.
The fact I was even pondering that question is even ridiculous in some ways. Here I am in my third (and last) year at the UNI and I’m going through the formal recruitment process to join a sorority?! I honestly thought I’d gone crazy at one point during the process… but God is faithful and he showed me that it really was never about my comfort level but always about living for Him regardless of where I’m at.

So there I was, with a billion thoughts running in my head and all I thought was “God, why did I have to be invited back to BOTH preference ceremony’s!? I then, rapidly wrote down Alpha XI Delta and ADPi … I have no idea why I did it in that order other than Alpha Xi Delta was the last preference ceremony I went to but there you have it… my final decision and pledge. I have a fabulous pledge class and I’m extremely excited for the community I’ll have there!
I’m so excited to see what God has in store for me this year, and how He is going to fulfill Eph 3:20 in my life… and the life of so many others.

All for His glory – to know Christ and make him known to the ends of the earth!


P.S: Why doesn’t everyone go Greek? Seriously… I’m firmly convinced thus far that most everyone would love it!

Friday, August 20, 2010



I am insanely blessed. Insanely – that regardless of where I’m at I know leaving will be a little sad because of the fabulous people I’ll have to say “goodbye” to. At the same time, just knowing how many new individuals I’ll get to know and old friends to see makes me extremely stoked for the next adventure! This summer was EPIC – literally the best summer of my life (This is saying a lot, I’ve had some pretty great summers). My excitement level has been building as God continues to be unexplainably sweet and do immeasurably more than I can ask or imagine. (I am getting slightly overwhelmed with just how wide, deep, and long his LOVE truly is.)

So, I left Marshalltown for Cedar Falls – and here I am back at the lovely University of Northern Iowa! As previously stated, I’m so excited to be rushing! I meet my RHO Gamma (think of this as my Sorority Recruitment mentor) last night, and she’s great! Talking with the other RHO Gammas and fellow rushee’s (how precisely do you say that? Rush’s, girls who are rushing also, rushes’… hmm ) have also made me extremely ready for official rushing to start. I’m feeling an EPIC year coming – o wait it’s already begun!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010



You Know, the word everyone throws around left and right (myself included). The cliched term that can mean so many - millions - of different things. I want to live out that word. To truly give everything without wanting, expecting, or demanding any form of love back.

Action Step #1? Fighting the "all about me" nature.

Hannah Hummond "Love is to cast ourselves down like a waterfall, in happy giving."

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Flashes of Clarity

There's something about driving in lighting storms that gets me every time. The slightly dangerous element of trying to see whats ahead with rain pounding down and wind violently thrashing the trees and bushes. Then the illuminations as lighting cracks letting me see for a moment. It's stunning. (This of course leads to other issues since instead of watching the road i happen to be looking elsewhere... but that's a different story :) ).

Driving in a storm tonight, I am reminded of the reason for the peace I have which transcends all understanding. A peace that I have not because of any confidance in my own abilities to survive or know what's next - but because I realize that the Lord will give me the same flashes of clarity on where to go next when it's best for me. Just one more reminder that even though what lays ahead may seem a little dangerous and sketchy, Christ already knows what's to come and will let me see the beauty which lays ahead in His perfect timing.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"In your presence Lord, I am completly satisfied"

So, clearly I havn't written anything in a very long time... and since I'm home now I thought I'd let you all in on some reflection/review time I've been blessed with since getting home yesterday (YAY!).

Faith, Prayer, & God's Promises:
This was by far by favorite week for a variety of reasons:

1: Check out Jehosaphat! What an incredible man of the Lord, I was in shock at his complete trust in the Lord's faithfulness as he praised God for the victory before the battle was even faught.

During this week I came to a shocking and difficult relization: i didn't trust God. In fact, I believed that He was capable of lying, and had lied to me repeatedly. I was slightly terrified as I realized the implications of it all; if God had lied to me, then He was really no God at all. As I began questioning him, He told me "Heather, sometimes I havn't fulfilled my promises to you how you'd like me too, but that doesn't mean I havn't fulfilled them. In fact more than that, I have blessed you far beyond what you've asked for." Whew! What a relief that "God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?" Numbers 23:19. it's been so sweet to praise the Lord for what He will do in the upcoming days, months, and years.

2. Promises to claim; it was so fun to grab onto a few of the promises God has given us specifically Eph 3:20 (He is able to do greater things than we can imagine),

before this summer started in Jacksonville I had never heard about "claiming promises", it was something I had done every once in awhile... but not often and definatly not very intentionally. I'm STOKED to see how God fulfills his promises!