Sunday, October 31, 2010

Dear Women,

Don't we crave it? Adventure. Beauty. To be pursued relentlessly? It's the deepest cry from the pit of my heart; to be delighted in and enjoyed by others, and most of all by my daddy in heaven.

We run from it sometimes, run to our corners and sit down covering ourselves in hopes that noone will ever find us. Wishing, for a time, that we can forever shut all of the disappointment out and control our invisibility (don't we love/hate control so?). Hoping that we'll never be wounded (this badly) again. Wondering if we'll be okay if our beauty remains completely hidden.

From the time i can remember i always sought the attention of others: Look at me, tell me I'm caring, good, wonderful. Tell me my passion and intensity isn't too much, that it's okay to be "this way" whatever "this way" is. The thing is, others will never be consistent, anymore than i am. They will always question, critique, and some may even abhor my personality and pursuits.


But my daddy in heaven always welcomes me. He has never, and will never, reject me or refuse to love. Despite my glaring inadequacies, desires, and pride he has never once ran away from me. It's His beauty that i give, It is His love that grants me permission, and even encourages, me to go on adventures (most i would never be on without Him). Ultimately, it is He who has relentlessly pursued my heart from the beginning.

& so yet again I will say: forever and always, I am His because He FIRST loved me.

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